Server Module Development
Server modules enable the processing and management of services belonging to the server product group. The basic function of a module is to create, suspend, unsling, and terminate products, these events run as the events listed below occur. When a new servi...
Getting Started
We have prepared a sample server module in Github, we recommend you to use it as a starting point for the module. Specifying a Name Server modules are in coremio/modules/Servers/ directory. When specifying a name for the modules, (upper/lower case letter, ...
Configuration Options
This function defines the settings that can be configured for your module on a product basis, the configuration options are divided into 2 functions. 1.) Thanks to the method you will use in the class, you can create configuration fields. The name of this fu...
Meta Data Parameters
A number of parameters must be defined for server configuration. You can edit following parameters from config.php file. Parameters Name Type Supported Default Description type Enum 1.6 virtualization Supported parameters are used to the type of "hos...
Supported Functions
The following headers contain the function names within the class. testConnect If you use this function, the "Test Connection" button will appear on the add/edit server page, the return value must be of a boolean data type. create This function starts runnin...