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Product Configuration Options

This function defines the settings that can be configured for your module on a product basis, the configuration options are divided into 2 functions.

1.) Thanks to the method you will use in the class, you can create configuration fields.

The name of this function must be config_options.

Supported configuration field types include below:

  • Text
  • Password
  • Confirmation Buttons
  • Drop-Down Menus
  • Circular (Radio) Select Buttons
  • Text Fields

Below are examples of available parameters for each field type.

public function config_options($data=[]){
    // $data --               Retrieves previously saved data
    // Example              : echo isset($data["example1"]) ? $data["example1"] : NULL;
    // 'name'               : Name of the Configuration option
    // 'description'        : Description of the configuration option
    // 'type'               : Type of configuration option
    // 'width'              : Width of configuration option, percent % (5,10,20,30,40,50,...100 vb)
    // 'rows'               : Number of lines of text field type
    // 'value'              : Default Value 
    // 'placeholder'        : Value to appear if field is left blank
    // 'options'            : The value that should be defined in String or Array type
    // 'checked'            : Used to determine the status of approval box, true or false
    // 'is_tooltip'         : Shows the description information in balloon, true or false should be written
    // 'dec_pos'            : Determines the position of description information, type "L" to show under the name, type 'R' to show under the item.

    return [
        'example1'          => [
            'name'              => "Text Box",
            'description'       => "Description for text box field",
            'type'              => "text",
            'width'             => "50",
            'value'             => "sample",
            'placeholder'       => "Sample placeholder",
        'example2'          => [
            'name'              => "Password Box",
            'description'       => "Description for password box field",
            'type'              => "password",
            'width'             => "50",
            'value'             => "sample",
            'placeholder'       => "Sample placeholder",
        'example3'          => [
            'name'              => "Confirm Button",
            'description'       => "Description for confirm button",
            'type'              => "approval",
            'checked'           => true,
        'example4'          => [
            'name'              => "Drop-down Menu 1",
            'description'       => "Description for Drop-down menu 1",
            'type'              => "dropdown",
            'options'           => "Option 1,Option 2,Option 3,Option 4",
            'value'             => "Option 2",
        'example5'          => [
            'name'              => "Drop-down Menu 2",
            'description'       => "Description for Drop-down menu 2",
            'type'              => "dropdown",
            'options'           => [
                'sec1'     => "Option 1",
                'sec2'     => "Option 2",
                'sec3'     => "Option 3",
                'sec4'     => "Option 4",
            'value'             => "sec2",
        'example6'          => [
            'name'              => "Circular (Radio) Button 1",
            'description'       => "Description for Circular (Radio) Button 1",
            'width'             => 40,
            'description_pos'   => 'L',
            'is_tooltip'        => true,
            'type'              => "radio",
            'options'           => "Option 1,Option 2,Option 3,Option 4",
            'value'             => "Option 2",
        'example7'          => [
            'name'              => "Circular (Radio) Button 2",
            'description'       => "Description for Circular (Radio) Button 2",
            'description_pos'   => 'L',
            'is_tooltip'        => true,
            'type'              => "radio",
            'options'           => [
                'sec1'     => "Option 1",
                'sec2'     => "Option 2",
                'sec3'     => "Option 3",
                'sec4'     => "Option 4",
            'value'             => "sec2",
        'example8'          => [
            'name'              => "Text Field",
            'description'       => "Description for Text Field",
            'rows'              => "3",
            'type'              => "textarea",
            'value'             => "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.",
            'placeholder'       => "Sample placeholder",

2.) You can optionally define the configuration fields by using (HTML & CSS & JS) codes in the output file.

For this function, you must edit pages/product-detail.php file.

Cases you need to know and pay attention to while editing are as follows;

  • Sample code content is available on the github repository.
  • While defining "name" attribute of form elements, you should define module_data[name of the configuration field including (letter, number, underscore)]
  • $module_data variable returns the value of configuration fields.
  • $module variable retrieves the content of your module class.
  • Whichever language is valid in administration panel interface; $LANG variable calls the language php file in lang/ directory, if it cannot find the language file the language file, it uses en.php language file as default.
  • $product variable returns the line on the database of the product as array.
Module Configuration Supported Functions

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