Getting Started
We have prepared a sample product module in Github, we recommend you to use it as a starting point for the module.

Specifying a Name
Product modules are in coremio/modules/Product/ directory.
When specifying a name for the modules, (upper/lower case letter, numbers and underscore "_") must be used and it must be unique.
Sample Module Content
|- lang/
| en.php
|- pages/
| ac-order-detail.php (The output that will appear in the service detail of client panel)
| clientArea-another.php (A sample page output in client panel service detail)
| clientArea-home.php (A sample home page output in client panel service detail)
| configuration.php (Administration panel sample module configuration output)
| configuration-form.php (Administration panel sample module configuration output)
| configuration-list.php (Administration panel sample module configuration output)
| order-detail.php (The output that will appear in the service detail of administration panel)
| product-detail.php (The output that will appear in adding or editing products/services)
| config.php
| logo.png
| SampleProduct.php
Minimum Requirements
For WISECP minimum system requirements, please check address.
We recommend that you follow the same minimum requirements wherever possible in your module.