Tokenized Method
It is a type in which a customer enters their credit card information without leaving WISECP, optionally chooses the card saving feature, and transmits this information to the payment service provider without being stored locally, and in return, the payment is collected with the tokens received. Payment transactions are carried out with the token received from the payment provider.
The "Tokenized" method has the same steps as the "Merchant" method. What you need to do is to activate the "Card Storage" feature and introduce the "token" information obtained from the payment service provider to the WISECP.
Enabling Card Storage
As mentioned before, if you define the "card-storage-supported" index as a "true" value in the "config.php" file, you will enable the card storage feature for the module.
Collecting Payment
The card information defined by the customer is transmitted to the "capture" function. If a "stored" card is selected, the "card_storage" index is "full" in the parameter passed to the function.
All the variables mentioned below are passed to the "capture" function.
Name | Type | Explanation |
checkout_id | integer | Unique ID number for payment (eg: 1234567) |
amount | float | Amount to be paid information |
currency | integer | Currency code (eg: USD, EUR, etc…) |
installment | integer | How many installments are requested |
holder_name | string | Name on the card |
type | string | Card type (Ex. VISA, MASTERCARD, etc.) |
num | integer | 16 digit card number |
expiry_m | integer | Month info of expiry date of card (eg: 07) |
expiry_y | integer | Year info of expiry date of card (eg: 27) |
cvc | integer | Security code on the back of the card |
clientInfo | object | It is an "object" variable with customer information. |
card_storage | array | Stored card info |
card_storage -> id | integer | Stored card ID number |
card_storage -> user_id | integer | Customer's ID number |
card_storage -> as_default | integer | "1" if card is default, "0" if not |
card_storage -> card_country | string | Country info of the card (eg: US, UK, DE, etc…) |
card_storage -> card_type | string | Type of card (can take the value "debit" and "credit"). |
card_storage -> card_schema | string | The scheme of the card (eg: "MASTERCARD", "VISA", etc.) |
card_storage -> card_brand | string | The brand of the card (e.g. "American Express" etc.) |
card_storage -> bank_name | string | The name of the bank to which the card belongs |
card_storage -> ln4 | string | Last 4 numbers of card number |
card_storage -> cvc | string | Security code on the back of the card (kept encrypted in the database) |
card_storage -> name | string | Name on the card |
card_storage -> expiry_month | string | Month info of expiry date of card (eg: 07) |
card_storage -> expiry_year | string | Year info of expiry date of card (eg: 27) |
card_storage -> token | string | Token info obtained from the payment service provider (kept encrypted in the database) |
public function capture($params=[])
$api_key = $this->config["settings"]["example1"] ?? 'N/A';
$secret_key = $this->config["settings"]["example2"] ?? 'N/A';
$storage_token = '';
$storage_token = $params['card_storage']['token'];
$card = [];
$card = [
'card_number' => $params['num'],
'card_holder_name' => $params['holder_name'],
'card_expiry' => $params['expiry_m']."-".$params['expiry_y'],
'card_cvc' => $params['cvc'],
// Does the customer want to keep the card?
if($this->checkSaveCard()) $card['card_storage'] = 'enable';
$fields = [
'client' => [
'first_name' => $params["clientInfo"]->name,
'last_name' => $params["clientInfo"]->surname,
'email' => $params["clientInfo"]->email,
'address' => [
'country' => $params["clientInfo"]->address->country_code,
'city' => $params["clientInfo"]->address->city,
'state' => $params["clientInfo"]->address->counti,
'postcode' => $params["clientInfo"]->address->zipcode,
'detail' => $params["clientInfo"]->address->address,
'card' => $card,
'storage_token' => $storage_token,
'amount' => $params['amount'],
'currency' => $this->currency($params['currency']),
'custom_id' => $params["checkout_id"],
// Here we are making an API call.
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'APIKEY: '.$api_key,
'SECRET: '.$secret_key,
'Content-Type: application/json',
$result = curl_exec($curl);
return [
'status' => 'error',
'message' => curl_error($curl)
$result = json_decode($result,true);
if($result && $result['status'] == 'success')
return [
'status' => 'successful',
'message' => ['Merchant Transaction ID' => $result['transaction_id']],
'card_storage_token' => $result["storage_token"] ?? '',
return [
'status' => 'error',
'message' => $result['error_message'] ?? '!API ERROR!',
Deleting a Stored Card
If your payment service provider supports card deletion, you can use the function given below.
public function remove_stored_card($params=[])
$api_key = $this->config["settings"]["example1"] ?? 'N/A';
$secret_key = $this->config["settings"]["example2"] ?? 'N/A';
$token = $params['token'];
// Here we are making an API call.
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "".$token);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'APIKEY: '.$api_key,
'SECRET: '.$secret_key,
'Content-Type: application/json',
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$result = false;
$this->error = curl_error($curl);
$result = json_decode($result,true);
if($result && $result['status'] == 'OK') $result = true;
$this->error = $result['message'] ?? 'something went wrong';
$result = false;
return $result;