Developer Center

Enabling & Disabling

The addon modules may include both enabling and disabling functions. These functions work when the status of an add-on is enabled or disabled in the administrator panel. The add-on can be used to execute any code required when enabling or disabling the module.

For example, can be used to special tables, create database entries or to return a message or error to a user to perform license checks. It can also be used if you want to show the process as it failed due to a problem, or inform the user about a missing field or license issue.

Sample Enabling Function

public function activate(){
     * Here, you can perform any intervention before the module is activate.
     * If you return boolean (true), the module will be activate.
    return true;

Sample Disabling Function

public function deactivate(){
     * Here, you can perform any intervention before the module is deactivate.
     * If you return boolean (true), the module will be deactivate.
    return true;
Configuration Parameters

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