Developer Center

Structure and Format

The structure and format of external and internal API requests are described in detail below.

External API Format

  • When sending an API request, the "Content-Type" header in the "Header" section of the request must be set to "application/json".
  • If the request requires sending a data set, make sure that this data set is in JSON format.
  • The response from the API will be in JSON format and the HTTP status code will always return 200.

Internal API Format

  • For the internal API, you must pass the data set related to the operations to be performed in "Array" format.
  • The response from the API will also be in "Array" format.

Response Body

Below are details on the content of the responses for both external and internal API use.

Field Type Description
status String It gives information about the status of the action. If it contains "error", the action failed, if it contains "successful", the action succeeded.
message String If the "status" field of the action contains "error", it gives information about the error message.
data Internal: Array
External: Object
If the action is successful, it contains information about the action.

Sample Error Response (JSON)

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Credentials do not match"

Sample Successful Response (JSON)

    "status": "successful",
    "data": {
        "user_id": 19,
        "hash": "ZmozNFdUNy8wMGM4bkVKK01IeUF5d2tSNzU0d1E1VThLZUJmZXNzdVNkK2dvWEgwdmdOTDE4YldmMzFCTVdheVY3bjhRTDBxSVNOb1FXcjBhVEhiTlE9PQ=="

Log Recording

All requests made through the API, both external and internal, are automatically logged by the system.

To access these records, you can follow these steps from the menu of the administration area:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Click on the "General" sub-heading.
  3. From the page that opens, click on the "API" tab.
  4. You can access the API request logs via the "Logs" tab.
Access and Authorization Usage Examples

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