Developer Center

3D Secure

In "Merchant, Tokenized, Subscription" methods, you may need to redirect to a page or show HTML content for payment confirmation.

If your goal is to redirect to a page, the return value from the "capture" function should be as follows.

return [
    'status'        => "3D",
    'redirect'      => "",

"3D" should be written in the "status" value.
The address to be redirected should be written in the "redirect" value.

If your goal is to serve an "IFRAME" or "HTML" content, the return value from the "capture" function should be as follows.

return [
    'status'        => "OUTPUT",
    'output'        => "<iframe src='' width='100%;' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>",

"OUTPUT" must be written to the "status" value.
"HTML code" must be placed in the "output" value.

After the transaction is completed on the redirected page, the status of the payment should be sent to the "callback" page.

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