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This function is used when the class is called, it is assigned to standard variables in the class. In the code example given below, it assigns the content of the module in the "config.php" file to the variable. $this->config = Modules::Config("Registrar...


It is used to define the order information to the module. public function set_order($order=[]){ $this->order = $order; return $this;}


After pressing the test connection button on module's settings page, we process the data coming from the form on “controllers / test_connection.php” file and define them to setconfig() function. If there is a method that validates the credentials on the API ...


It is used to transmit the function parameters to the API side. private function setConfig($username,$password,$sandbox){ $this->config["settings"]["username"] = $username; $this->config["settings"]["password"] = $password; $this->co...

questioning() - Domain Name Check

It is used to query the domain name. If API supports, you can run the API method within the function. If API does not support domain name query, it checks the status of the domain name through available whois servers defined in the systems. public function q...

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