ModifyWhois() - Update Whois
It is used to update the whois information of the domain, if not supported, an error message appears. public function ModifyWhois($params=[],$whois=[]){ $domain = idn_to_ascii($params["domain"],0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); $convert_key = [ ...
getWhoisPrivacy() - Whois Protection Status
It is used to check the protection (privacy) of contact information of domain name (Whois). If not supported, an error message appears. public function getWhoisPrivacy($params=[]){ $domain = idn_to_ascii($params["domain"],0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); ...
purchasePrivacyProtection() - Buy Whois Protection
If the whois hiding feature of the domain name is paid, this function enables purchasing and activation. public function purchasePrivacyProtection($params=[]){ $domain = idn_to_ascii($params["domain"],0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); $apply = $this-&...
modifyPrivacyProtection() - Whois Protection Status Update
Contact information for the domain name (WHOIS) is used to update the privacy status. public function modifyPrivacyProtection($params=[],$staus=''){ $domain = idn_to_ascii($params["domain"],0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); $modify = $this->api->...
getTransferLock() - Transfer Lock Status
The domain name is used to check the status of the transfer lock. public function getTransferLock($params=[]){ $domain = idn_to_ascii($params["domain"],0,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); $details = $this->api->get_details($domain); if(!$de...