Used to execute a scheduled event, not a mandatory method. As shown as an example in the SSL module, a method according to "command" index that is in the $data variable is called. public function run_action($data=[]){ if($data["command"] == "checking-ssl...
It is used to identify the files of an SSL certificate, not a mandatory method. If return value returns boolean (true), scheduled event will be considered as ran. If the return value returns boolean (false) or the string “continue”, the scheduled event will...
It is a mandatory function. This function runs when the “Update” button at the bottom is clicked in the “Admin Area > Order Detail > Core” tab. The task of the function is to execute certain operations according to the data from the form and save the ...
It is a mandatory function. This function runs when the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the "Client Area > Order Detail" page is clicked. The task of the function is to execute certain operations according to the data from the form and save the se...
It is a mandatory function. It is used at installation stage. If automatic installation for the product is activated and the invoice is paid, this function will be used to activate the order. If the return of the function fails, the order will be in process...